To effectively maximise sailboats, their respective owners must ensure that they are inspected and maintained regularly. Failure to do these things, after all, will only lead to the downfall and deterioration of their much-valued watercraft.

One part of the sailboats that the owners like you should assess thoroughly is the engine. The boat engine plays a pivotal part in the sailboat since it can provide a much-needed source of power. By burning fuel and producing mechanical power, the boat engine ensures that all other components of the boat can move and operate throughout its trip without expecting any failures.

But since the engine of your boat is expected to operate continuously, it may eventually develop or generate issues that must be resolved as soon as possible. Here are some of the most common problems with boat engine and their accompanying solutions.

Failure to Start

One possible problem with the boat engine is that it may fail to start from time to time. If you turned the ignition key and received no feedback from the engine, then it may mostly mean that it has some problems with either electrical components or battery. Your engine may have a faulty ignition circuit. Alternatively, your boat may already have a low or dead battery. To resolve these problems, you may want to tighten up the fitting of your dash-mounted ignition switch. You may also want to replace your wiring regularly. Installing a metering device can likewise be done to sustain engine performance.

Power Loss

Another problem that your boat engine may possess is continuous power loss. Even if your engine successfully starts, it may still lose some power due to various reasons. One of the reasons would be the lack of enough fuel supply, which can be resolved by refilling the supply ahead of your trip. Another possible reason is the existence of filter problems or faulty plugs. Replacing the in-line fuel filter can help resolve the latter problem. Bringing in spare spark plugs and other necessary tools can also be done so that faulty plugs can be removed and replaced.


If your boat engine’s temperature gauge rises quickly, then it means that some parts of the engine are overheating. One possible reason behind an overheating engine is the absence of proper water flow in the cooling loop. In resolving this problem, you might want to check the quality of the water entering the engine since it might possess some mud, plastic bag, weeds, and other elements. Once these elements are found, then remove them right away. This problem can also be resolved by servicing and replacing the impeller and the exhaust system regularly.

Some boat engine problems can be resolved quickly. Others, however, require professionals before they can be fixed fully. If you need some help with your engine problems, feel free to call us at Ace Mobile Marine and Automotive. Our team of experienced marine mechanics can offer mobile and emergency call-out service anywhere in Newcastle, Lake Macquarie, Central Coast.

For your car to run in the first place, all its components must be in good condition. One of the components of your car that should always be in optimal condition is the engine.

The engine of your car works by converting fuel into energy, ensuring that other car components have enough power to move and operate. It typically houses the engine block, pistons, crankshaft, camshaft, cylinder head, and timing belt. All these components must work perfectly to ensure that the process of fuel transport, energy conversion, and others will be carried out safely and without any failure.

While the engine components are often made from durable and reliable materials, they can still fail over time. Fortunately, they can generate warning signs first before your car fails. If your car generates the following warnings signs, then your engine needs to be repaired right away.

Lit Check Engine Light

The integrated “check engine” light of your vehicle will only illuminate if something is wrong with your engine. If it suddenly illuminates while driving your car, then it must be assessed and possibly serviced right away. Normally, a reliable mechanic should be called so they can check the type of problem your engine currently possesses and service it accordingly.

Bizarre Vehicle Noises

Another sign that your car engine has some problems is the generation of bizarre vehicle noises. Your car will typically generate a normal sound whenever the engine is running. However, if you hear some knocking and squealing sounds, then your engine might be in trouble. A knocking sound would mean that the rod bearings have already worn out while squealing noises mean that the fan belt has become loose. Scheduling an engine service would be the best option for your car if you have these issues.

Bad Smoke Emissions

Your car will emit some smoke. But if your engine has some serious issues, then your car will generate excessive smoke. If your car releases blue smoke, then the oil from your engine might be escaping and is being burned with the fuel. A white smoke emission, alternatively, means that your fuel has combined with water condensation or antifreeze. Black smoke, ultimately, means that your air filter has become too dirty. An excessive amount of smoke means that your car needs to be serviced as soon as possible.

Persistent Power Loss

A huge number of vehicles today are still powered by gas. Hence, they would normally be equipped with an internal combustion engine that utilises a four-stroke combustion cycle. If your gas-powered car experiences a sudden loss of power, then it means that one of your engine’s four strokes is being interrupted during the combustion process.

Gas Mileage Decrease

One more sign that your car engine has some issues is the gradual decrease in gas mileage. If you notice that you are not utilising the gas tank optimally, then your engine’s compression stroke might have some problems. Typically, this problem can be resolved through servicing the fuel system. However, for optimal results, you must still hire a mechanic so they can assess your engine issues appropriately.

For appropriate servicing of your car, you can call us at Ace Mobile Marine and Automotive.

Sailboats and ships can only move effectively across the water if they are powered by high-performance marine engines. But to ensure that their marine engines can work appropriately, their core components must be assessed and maintained regularly.

Assessment and maintenance of marine engines are crucial to sailboats and ships due to different reasons. For one, regular assessment and maintenance can make sure that the engines can operate for a long time. Conducting these processes can also ensure that any build-up of dirt, oil, and others inside the engine components will be prevented. Any necessary repairs and replacements can likewise be done as long as proper assessment and maintenance are conducted.

When conducting assessment and maintenance, marine engines might yield the following issues that might be encountered by mechanics and other professionals.

Water Build-up

One issue that a marine engine may have is the build-up of water in the fuel system. This specific issue can be normally caused by the improper storage of fuel or the existence of a loose filler cap. Once the sailboat or ship obtains this issue, then it will fail to start. Instead, the engine will crank over repetitively without any signs of starting up. Installing a water separator fuel filter or flushing the fuel system could potentially resolve the problem with water build-up.

Leakage of Air

Another issue that a marine engine may possess is the leakage of air. Whenever the engine is being utilised, the air control is often placed in an open position, which can then be overlooked by many ship operators. To locate the leakage or the hissing noise, one should conduct an intentional blackout for the engine to be in the stop position. As for its possible solution, air leakage can be prevented through tightening or replacing the involved joints or pipes.

Fuel Leakage

Aside from leaking air, the fuel inside the marine engine can also leak whenever the fuel treatment or the fuel temperature is not maintained fully. As this issue worsens, the fuel system might obtain significant cracks and leakages, damaging the whole marine engine. Fortunately, this issue can be resolved by regulating the high-pressure leak off tank level. The alarm must also be supervised so that fuel leakage can be monitored.

Electrical Issues

Many components of a marine engine rely heavily on electrical connections. Given the surroundings of sailboats and ships, these connections have a high chance of being exposed to corrosive elements. Without maintenance, the wet electrical connections of the engine have a high chance of corroding, which could then cause a series of electrical issues such as blown fuses and intermittent starting. Cleaning and spraying these sensitive components with a corrosion guard can prevent these issues from happening.

If your marine engine poses some of these issues, you may want to contact us at Ace Mobile Marine and Automotive. We have a team of skilled and experienced marine mechanics, who offer both mobile and emergency call-out service anywhere in Newcastle, Lake Macquarie and Central Coast.

Calling for a mobile mechanic has been the go-to solution for car owners who want to have their cars fixed right away. Wherever the car owners are, mobile mechanics alongside their handy tools and knowledge are expected to come to the car owners’ places and conduct the services needed.

But when is the best time to call a mobile mechanic? Here are some instances or situations that tell you to call for their help right away.

Failure to Start

If your car does not suddenly start, then you certainly need help from a mobile mechanic. While jump-starting your car might do the trick, it is not enough to make you feel secure during the drive. With a mobile mechanic, they can easily identify the main causes of the issue. Failure of your car to start may mean that you already have a failing battery, requiring the mobile mechanic to replace it right away. Other car components that may have already failed and caused this issue are the starter motor and alternator.

Brake Pads Issues

Brake pads are vital to your car since they guarantee your safety. Once these components generate some issues, then you need to call a mobile mechanic right away. One issue that you might get is the presence of squeaking or squealing sounds whenever you step on the brakes. If ever you hear these types of sounds, then it only means that your brake pads are already wearing thin. Your brake pads have likewise worn down if your steering wheel and brake pedal are vibrating excessively. All these issues require brake pads replacement, which you can instantly obtain with the help of a mobile mechanic.

Engine Misfire

Another instance where a mobile mechanic can help you is when your car has some engine problems. One problem that your car may have is a misfiring engine, which you can detect if the engine hesitates or shakes whenever turned on. Some parts of the ignition system that may cause your engine to misfire are the control module, coil packs, crankshaft position sensor, and spark plugs. Once called for their services, the mobile mechanic will have to check these components and fix or replace the faulty ones.

Tire Problems

If your car suddenly veers to the left or right, then it would be best for you to stop in a safe place and call a mobile mechanic. One possible reason why your car is pulling to one side is the lack of tire rotation. Tire rotation pertains to the movement of your tires from one position to another, ensuring that they wear down evenly. Hence, your front tires are expected to be placed to the rear and vice versa by the mobile mechanic. Other possible problems with your tire include improper wheel alignment and low tire pressure.

Other issues that call for a mobile mechanic’s help are the need to change engine oil, replacement of lights, elimination of fluid leaks, and resolving a high-temperature engine. If you need some help with your car, you can contact us at Ace Mobile Marine and Automotive.

Nothing beats the pleasure of driving your car that is fully maintained and operational. However, despite regular upkeep, your car can still manifest some hidden issues that could result in its sudden failure. Worse, you might be stuck in the middle of the road along with your beloved vehicle.

And when this happens, the very first thing that you will probably do is to check the source of the problem. Some of you might be able to find it, while others might not. No matter what the outcome is, you will still need some roadside assistance to resolve your car’s issue. One main source of roadside assistance that you should contact and hire during this specific emergency is none other than a mobile mechanic.

Hiring a trustworthy mobile mechanic during sudden car failures or breakdowns is very important due to the following reasons:

Reliable Experience

One of the reasons why you should hire a trustworthy mobile mechanic is that they are experienced enough to find and resolve your car’s main issue or problem. Mobile mechanics who work with reputable companies typically have years of experience in encountering normal to extreme issues of a car. They are even trained rigorously to make all the necessary repairs for faulty cars. Trusting them in terms of inspections and repairs is more recommended than fixing your car on your own.

Quick Turnaround

Another reason why hiring a trustworthy mobile mechanic is beneficial for you is that they can act on your requested services very quickly. Car issues and breakdowns can happen anytime. No matter what time of the day it is, your car may suddenly encounter some issues that could force it to stop functioning. Fortunately, mobile mechanics are typically available round-the-clock. Once you contact them, they can reach your area in just a short time and start the repairing process.

Complete Tools and Parts

Hiring a trustworthy mobile mechanic is necessary since they do not only give you excellent and fast services, but they can assure you that your car issues will be resolved with the right tools and parts. Some mobile mechanics may reach your area very quickly, but if they do not possess all the needed tools and parts, then your car engine and other parts cannot be serviced completely. When contacting a mobile mechanic, you should make sure that they have all the tools and parts needed for your car.

Comprehensive Warranty

One more reason why you should hire and opt for a trustworthy mobile mechanic is that they offer a comprehensive warranty for their services. You see, reliable mobile mechanics are fully adept at ensuring that all parts of your car will be serviced. Once they have somehow damaged some of your car parts, then the added warranty on top of their services allows you to have your car serviced again without spending additional money. The added warranty protects you from costly repairs and maintenance.

If you are currently residing in Newcastle, Lake Macquarie, Central Coast and require roadside assistance for your car, then you can call us at Ace Mobile Marine and Automotive.